Narcissu Drama CD

December 31, 2006. Comic Market 71.

Stage-Nana released Vol 24.5, a stand-alone drama CD that is supposed to be the prologue to the actual Narcissu Side 2nd.

The drama CD contains great voice acting, and really, if you can find a way to get your hands on a copy, either through a proxy service, or maybe through a shop that ships overseas (w-canvas does so I hear, never tried myself.) then I highly recommend getting them while they’re still in stock. (which, won’t be long, these are limited doujin runs after all)

I haven’t been looking hard, but it looks like stocks in stores are disappearing quickly, if they haven’t already.

And, without further ado, here’s the file! Fresh from Team Clam-kitty!

NOTE This script is also the basis for the actual game Narcissu Side 2nd’s voiced section for the first 2 chapters (not including the prologue). There’s 1 error where I misheard in a line, and some text differences here or there, but for the most parts it correlates pretty well.

Narci2_drama_cd.pdf (135.97kB) Downloaded: 5252 times
Last Modified: 2007-01-27 01:49
Translated script of the Narcissu drama CD, from Comic Market 71, sold on December 31, 2007.


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