Lyrics - Muvluv Alternative - Sion

紫音 - Sion – Roughly, “The sound of purple”

Meiya’s image from the “Muv-luv collection of Standard Edition songs.” One of the better songs on the CD.

歌:奥井雅実 Vocals: Okui Masami
作詞・曲 Lyrics and Composition: Okui Masami
編曲: IPPEI Arrangement: IPPEI
遥か遠い記憶 A far and old memory
そっと刻み込んだ 胸の奥かすかに甦る gently engraved within my heart faintly revives
幾千の魂が Thousands of souls
Sigh 宇宙(そら)の中で 生まれ落ちる時を待っている Sigh within the sky (space) awaiting birth
あぁ 今ココに私 存在(いる)ことを Ah, the ‘me’ here now, they’ve surely
強く 熱く きっと願った strongly, hotly wished for my presence (existence)
哀しく光る あの星のように Sadly shining, like that star
選べぬ運命(さだめ)が待つ未来(あした)だって Even if an unchoosable destiny (fate) were waiting tomorrow (in the future)
気高く生きる live nobly
愛する者守るために to protect my loved one
たとえ想い届かなくても even if, these thoughts never reach him
時に誰にだって Occasionally, everyone
そう 立ちすくんで yes, stands petrified
前、進めない、選べない日もある unable to move ahead, unable to choose, those days exist
同じ今を生きる Living in the same present
Gave 仲間に出会い 涙流す赦しをもらった Gave, meeting comrades, receiving permission to shed tears
あぁ 人は独りでは生きられない Ah, people can’t live alone
だから 私、 誰かのため… So I, for someone’s sake…
薄紫の夜空に舞う花 Flowers dancing in the light purple night sky
風に揺られ はかなく見えるけれど swayed by the wind, they seem fragile but
気高くいきた その証を残す命 The lives that left that proof of having lived nobly
運び続けてる they continue to carry them on
皆 それぞれの場所で戦いに向かっている Everyone is headed to their own places of battle
何を守るべきなのか? 問い続け… What should I protect? I continue to ask…
哀しく光る あの星のように Sadly shining, like that star
選べぬ運命(さだめ)が待つ未来(あした)だって Even if an unchoosable destiny (fate) were waiting tomorrow (in the future)
気高く生きる live nobly
愛する者守るために to protect my loved one
たとえこの身、宇宙(そら)に散っても even if this body, scatters in the sky (space)

A few minor thing bear explanation.

Purple is something of Meiya’s signature color, as her Takemikazuchi is of that color (a personal gift from her twin sister Yuuhi, the shogun and original owner).

Since this song is an image song, it does tell her story in Alternative to some extent.


  1. AcroRay
    06/20/2007 03:21 PM | #

    Thanks very much for this! Excellent translation, and very nice commentary.

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